RViews: The reticulate package solves the hardest problem in data science: people

The reticulate package solves the hardest problem in data science: people

Andrew Mangano - 2019-03-18

Part I - Modelling

The reticulate package integrates Python within R and, when used with RStudio 1.2, brings the two languages together like never before. Much more important than the technical details of how it all works is the impact that it has on on both individuals and teams by enabling data scientists who speak different languages to collaborate seamlessly on a project.

A data scientist is first and foremost a problem solver. The ability to frame a problem and decide how it might be solved is what separates someone who merely knows code syntax from someone who is capable of discovering a novel solution to a hard problem. Despite all of the buzz around the field, however, there exists a major skills gap where there is limited talent available.....more

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