Running Shiny apps on local Windows 2019 Server with Apache ** Closed **

Hi all,
** Edit - Hi all - I can't seem to "Close" my topic but wanted to say I managed to get a Linux server so this is no longer relevant. Thanks! **

First time posting here. I'm trying to get Shiny up and running in my internal environment; I have a working web server with Apache, PHP and I've successfully installed R and RStudio.

If possible, other requirements:

  1. Interactive (filtering, etc.)
  2. Somehow have links to different reports that are hashed (making it difficult for people without the link to get the link)

I absolutely cannot post the data or the reports onto Posit Cloud - I need to report on highly sensitive medical data - so I'm not sure what my options are. I've spent a ton of time looking at different options and they require Linux / Unix, or the links are no longer available (RInno for example).

Any ideas would be much appreciated. This is somewhat sensitive as I have a couple of national projects starting soon that will need this, so any ideas would be appreciated.

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