I've tried many attempts for installing R; Rtools and RStudio - in that order as administrator. (Tried spearate folders, same folders etc.) Installing was no problem, but after starting RStudio, when I want to install different packages, I always recieve the same message:
Ok, it didn't work. this is just the basic installment.
So the Error keeps occuring. beeing just in R. 4.3.1 it shows, rtools is correctly installed. but in r Studio i always get the same reoccuring message....
Do you have multiple versions of R installed? RStudio appears to be using 4.0.2 while the standalone version is 4.3.1. Which version of rtools is installed? I have no experience with multiple R versions (not easy on macOS), so my comments may not make sense. Feel free to ignore.
Oh Changing the repos and using another mirror made defninitly a difference!
the packages are now installing...more or less successfully. at least downloading. But now there are new error messags. Oh, and yes, Rtools ist still missing. Changing Rstudio versions wasn't available.
In your "error2" screenshot, you still appear to have "Microsoft R Open 4.0.2", where you should have "R version 4.3.1". So I think you might have installed the latest R, but are still opening this older version.
When starting RStudio, keep the "Ctrl" key pressed, you should get a window popping up offering to choose select the installed version of R. Make sure you use the latest, the path should be something like "C:\Program Files\R\R-4.3.1\bin\R.exe"
You were right, M R Open 4.0.2. was still installed on my PC. I didn't realize I was having it, cause the last time I Used R, was many months ago for just a quick peek...
I just uninstalled it and after reinstalling the "normal" R, Rtools and Rstudio it now works just fine!
Thank you so much, Alexis! - Now I can finally begin writing my paper.
What a nice community. I'll come back for maybe one or more stupid questions on the way...