Im unclear on how the rsconnect CLI determines which version of Python it tells RStudio Connect it needs to run a jupyter notebook. Im using the command below to deploy my_notebook.ipynb to RStudio Connect. it successfully uploads the bundle, "saves deployment data" but when its building the jupyter notebook in the next step (I assume on the RStudio Connect server) it failes because it cannot find a "compatible environment" (i.e. Python version). Its looking for Python 3.7.10 but my notebook was written in 3.9.2. I have 3.9.2 in the RStudio connect config file and Python is enabled but for whatever reason Rstudio workbench is telling RStudio Connect I need 3.7.10. Even looking at the notebook without rendering it says Python 3.9.2 is being used so Im a little confused where Workbench is getting 3.7.10 from. Any ideas on this or documentation?
rsconnect deploy notebook --server --api-key ... my_notebook.ipynb
Deployment log is below...
Checking arguments... [OK]
Deploying my_notebook.ipynb to server ""
Inspecting Python environment... [OK]
Creating deployment bundle... [OK]
Uploading bundle... [OK]
Saving deployment data... [OK]
Deployment log:
Building Jupyter notebook...
Cannot find compatible environment: no compatible Local environment with Python version 3.7.10