Rstudio start-up error

Error Information: ERROR STARTING R

Description of issue - The R session process exited with code 11 .

Attempted steps taken to fix - RESTART BUT FAILED

System Information:

  • RStudio Edition: (Desktop or Server) DESKTOP
  • RStudio Version: 2021.09.0+351, "Ghost Orchid" (077589bc, 2021-09-20) for macOS
  • OS Version: OS X 11_6_0
  • R Version:
  • Output your diagnostics report (if possible): The R session process exited with code 11 .

R Session Startup Failure Report

RStudio Version

RStudio 2021.09.0+351, "Ghost Orchid" (077589bc, 2021-09-20) for macOS

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 11_6_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) QtWebEngine/5.12.10 Chrome/69.0.3497.128 Safari/537.36

Error message

[No error available]

Process Output

The R session exited with code 11.

Error output:

[No errors emitted]

Standard output:

[No output emitted]


2022-01-27T21:27:00.833357Z [rsession-dcc] ERROR evaluateExpression called from thread other than main; LOGGED FROM: rstudio::core::Error rstudio::r::exec::(anonymous namespace)::evaluateExpressionsUnsafe(SEXP, SEXP, SEXP *, sexp::Protect *, rstudio::r::exec::(anonymous namespace)::EvalType) src/cpp/r/RExec.cpp:140
2022-01-27T21:27:00.834405Z [rsession-dcc] ERROR r error 5 (R symbol not found) [symbol: .rs.extractRCode]; OCCURRED AT rstudio::core::Error rstudio::r::exec::RFunction::call(SEXP, bool, SEXP *, sexp::Protect *) src/cpp/r/RExec.cpp:475; LOGGED FROM: void rstudio::session::modules::code_search::RSourceIndexes::update(const boost::shared_ptr<SourceDocument> &) src/cpp/session/modules/SessionCodeSearch.cpp:997
2022-01-27T21:27:00.834405Z [rsession-dcc] ERROR r error 5 (R symbol not found) [symbol: .rs.extractRCode]; OCCURRED AT rstudio::core::Error rstudio::r::exec::RFunction::call(SEXP, bool, SEXP *, sexp::Protect *) src/cpp/r/RExec.cpp:475; LOGGED FROM: void rstudio::session::modules::code_search::RSourceIndexes::update(const boost::shared_ptr<SourceDocument> &) src/cpp/session/modules/SessionCodeSearch.cpp:997


From RStudio Desktop Will Not Start on

You are not specifying an R version so I suspect you have not installed one, RStudio is an IDE for the R programming language but it doesn't come with a bundled version of the R interpreter, you have to download and install it by yourself. You can download a version of R for your operating system from here

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