Rstudio Server open source vs pro

Very basic question: what are the core differences in functionality between RStudio Server Pro vs open source? I would like to install it on a 96-core workstation and have several users access RStudio remotely via web browser, but not much else.

Thank you!

Howdy @aqeco thanks for the question!

RStudio Server OS is focused on:

  • Hosting RStudio on a single-server and accessing via browser, giving server-grade compute
  • Multi-user with a single session per user
  • Single version of R for the server and users
  • Basic auth via username/password

Main differences, Workbench has support for:

  • Launching multiple IDEs, RStudio, VS Code, JupyterLab
  • Multiple sessions per user and resource profiles/limits to control compute use per user/user group
  • Multiple versions of R in RStudio and the ability to switch on the fly. Also simplifies upgrading versions of R without forcing all users to use a new version all at once.
  • Cluster backends -- native support for Kubernetes, Slurm, or load-balancing across multiple server nodes
  • Enterprise Authentication, ie SSO/SAML/OIDC
  • Automated user provisioning of local user accounts
  • Managed Credentials for Cloud providers, ie OAuth credentials for AWS, Azure, Databricks, Snowflake to avoid using PATs.
  • Auditing features for regulated industry use
  • Prometheus monitoring for monitoring server activity and health
  • Access to our ODBC Pro Drivers.
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