RStudio Sentence Wrap Does Not Work with In-Text Citations

Hi all,

I have been using the visual markdown editor in RStudio 1.4.1717 (Juliet Rose) with the text wrapping set to "sentence" ( ).

My problem is that it only works some of the time. It appears to be related to whether or not the paragraph has in-text citations. Paragraphs with in-text citations sometimes will not sentence wrap, but if I remove the citations in those paragraphs, sentence wrap works fine. Paragraph length also seems to matter, with shorter paragraphs less likely to break.

See below for example. The only difference between the two paragraphs is the citation ([@BurkeStets_2009]).

Is there something wrong with my citekey, or is this a bug?

(The Rmarkdown example below can reproduce the problem. Save this code as Rmarkdown, then toggle source editor mode on and off).

title: 'Minimal Example'
date: "`r format(Sys.Date(), '%d %B, %Y')`"
    wrap: sentence

### Test

A role is a set of expectations tied to a social position, or a category in society or an organization that an individual can occupy [@BurkeStets_2009]. A role *identity* is the internalized meaning of a role that a person applies to themselves. Role identities are of particular interest to sociologists because they are identities people must adopt to allow for the perpetuation of societal structures. For instance, in a capitalistic society, one cannot have a business without employers and employees, bosses and workers. When people internalize role identities, those identities constrain behavior, creating and maintaining societal structures [cite].

A role is a set of expectations tied to a social position, or a category in society or an organization that an individual can occupy.
A role *identity* is the internalized meaning of a role that a person applies to themselves.
Role identities are of particular interest to sociologists because they are identities people must adopt to allow for the perpetuation of societal structures.
For instance, in a capitalistic society, one cannot have a business without employers and employees, bosses and workers.
When people internalize role identities, those identities constrain behavior, creating and maintaining societal structures [cite].

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