RStudio scrolling slower than in other apps

I recently updated to RStudio 2024.04.0+735 (2024.04.0+735) and R 4.4.0 on a Mac OS X 14.4.1.

I'm noticing that the scrolling behavior is far slower in RStudio than in my other apps like Chrome. Any suggestions for settings to investigate to get scrolling to be the same in RStudio as it is elsewhere?

Happy to provide any additional information...

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I'm also seeing the same behaviour with basically the same R and computer specs. Would love any suggestions folks have for updating the scrolling behaviour!

I just figured it out. In Preferences go to Code. There's an option "Editor scroll speed sensitivity". It varies between 0 and 200. I had mine at 100. Going smaller makes it harder to scroll. Going larger makes it easier. I went to 200. Something must have changed between RStudio versions.

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