RStudio on R 4.4.1 Taking Too Long to Start in Windows Server 2019

RStudio 2024.04.2 Build 764 (open source) running on R v 4.4.1 (2024-06-14 ucrt) in Windows Server 2019 Standard (v 1809) takes more than a minute to start. A portion of the rsession log is:

ERROR system error 2 (The system cannot find the file specified) [path: %HummPATH14%, path: quarto.exe]; OCCURRED AT class rstudio::core::Error_cdecl

Any idea where to start looking, what to clean up, etc? We are not using Hummingbird or Quarto (the tools may have been previously applied). Previous versions of R (prior to 4.4.0) do not have this issue

You might try resetting RStudio's state in case some cruft got stuck in it.

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