RStudio looking for a way to create a Chart based on keywords

Hi, I am still new with Rstudio, and now I am looking to find a way to create a chart from 1 column keywords.
I know its working in Pandas, but I cannot find a way in Rstudio.

For example I have a dataframe CSV " headwear"

Name Color
Winter Hat Blue
Bunny Ears Grey
Summer Hat Pink
Woolen Cap Purple

I want to make a bar chart based on how many "Hats", "Caps", "Ears", and ignore anything else in the cell.
Tried different ways with count, but 1 error is bigger than the next error.
Could someone help me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance.

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The following code generates a rather bland looking bar chart from some example data.

library(dplyr)    # to manipulate the data frame
library(stringr)  # for string operations
library(ggplot2)  # for the bar chart

# Incoming data set (from CSV or wherever).
headgear <- data.frame(Name = c("Winter Hat", "Bunny Ears", "Summer hat", "Woolen Cap"),
                       Color = c("Blue", "Grey", "Pink", "Purple"))

# Categories for the bar chart.
types <- c("Hat", "Ears", "Cap", "Fedora")

# Add a "Type" column to the data frame by comparing "Name" entries to know types.
# (Comparison is case-insensitive here.)
headgear <- headgear |> rowwise() |> mutate(Type = types[str_detect(Name, paste("(?i)", types))])

# Plot the bar chart.
ggplot(data = headgear, mapping = aes(x = Type)) + geom_bar()

It is fragile in that it assumes each entry in the "Name" column will contain exactly one match to one of the predefined types (hat, cap, ears, ...). The comparison is case-insensitive, so if someone enters "Bunny ears", the entry will be recognized as matching "Ears".

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Thank you so much for helping me out with this.


  1. Name is will have the interested word(Cap,Hat etc) at the end of the line else will have to use some form of regex in str_extract()
  2. Name is space separated, else change the arguments to str_split_i()

Used the dataframe from earlier comment but added few more rows

headgear <- data.frame(Name = c("Winter Hat", "Bunny Ears", "Summer hat", "Woolen Cap","Bunny2 Ears","Bunny3 Ears","Winter2 Hat"),
                       Color = c("Blue", "Grey", "Pink", "Purple","Purple","Purple","Green"))
headgear %>% 
  mutate(new_name= str_to_title(str_split_i(Name," ",-1))) %>%  # picks the last word, formats to uniform case
  count(new_name,sort=TRUE,name="total_counts") %>%  # gets counts of each new column value

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Hi Vinaychuri,

Thank you so much for this code. I will look into this. :slight_smile:

You can categorize the keywords in your "Name" column using pattern matching (e.g., detecting "Hat," "Cap," or "Ears"), then count occurrences and visualize them with a bar chart using ggplot2. Use functions like grepl() to classify items and dplyr to summarize counts before plotting. This approach will help you analyze keyword frequency efficiently in RStudio.