RStudio is not loading

Hi everyone,
I am trying to find a solution to a challenge that I am facing today. RStudio is not loading even after reinstallation of both R and RStudios. The scripts in base R are working perfectly fine, which means that there is no issue with R. No issue with firewalling etc.

Please see the report attached below:

R Session Startup Failure Report

RStudio Version

RStudio 2023.03.0+386 "Cherry Blossom " (3c53477a, 2023-03-09) for Windows

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) RStudio/2023.03.0+386 Chrome/108.0.5359.179 Electron/22.0.3 Safari/537.36

Error message

[No error available]

Process Output

The R session exited with code 1.

Error output:

[No errors emitted]

Standard output:

[No output emitted]



2024-01-12T03:10:05.760494Z [rsession-nadeema] WARNING Abort requested; LOGGED FROM: bool __cdecl rstudio::session::connection::checkForAbort(class rstudio_boost::shared_ptr<class rstudio::session::HttpConnection>,const class rstudio_boost::function<void __cdecl(void)>) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ide\os-builds\open-source-pipeline\rel-cherry-blossom\src\cpp\session\http\SessionHttpConnectionUtils.cpp:135
2024-01-12T03:10:05.760494Z [rsession-nadeema] WARNING Abort requested; LOGGED FROM: bool __cdecl rstudio::session::connection::checkForAbort(class rstudio_boost::shared_ptr<class rstudio::session::HttpConnection>,const class rstudio_boost::function<void __cdecl(void)>) C:\Users\jenkins\workspace\ide\os-builds\open-source-pipeline\rel-cherry-blossom\src\cpp\session\http\SessionHttpConnectionUtils.cpp:135

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