RStudio Hanging and Won't Execute Commands

Hi there,

I have been having issues with R Studio Desktop hanging and not working properly and need some assistance. I will try to run a command and most of the time it just hangs (no output or errors produced). Other times it will run a command and then if I try to replicate it it will start hanging. The only way to stop it from hanging is to close RStudio entirely. This happens even with very basic commands that should take a second to run (like entering 2+2 into the console or just changing the working directory, for example). I have never had an issue like this before.

I have been working with my IT team to try and troubleshoot and I still keep having the same issue. Here's what we have tried. Some of these we tried based on some help articles we had found on postit, but it still didn't resolve:

  1. We tried updating to the latest version of R Studio and R and rebooting
  2. Resetting the R Studio Desktop state
  3. Adjusting some firewall and antivirus settings
  4. Tried it on a new laptop

Any other suggestions you have to solve this problem? We are no sure how to proceed from here and need some ideas of what else to look into.

Also, if anyone has any additional information on how we can turn on additional debugging/logging tools if available to try and figure out the problem that would be helpful.

I am currently using RStudio Cranberry Hibiscus and R version 4.4.1 Race for your Life. My machine has Windows 11.


Have you looked at the RStudio log files to see if something pops there?

Yes, what I see in the RStudio log files whenever I try to run a command is ERROR system error 10053 (An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine). This led me to think it could be the anitivirus or firewall software, which we adjusted and even tried temporarily disabling to check, but the problem still persisted after that.

If you run the same commands directly in R rather than in RStudio, do you also get disconnects?

Per your suggestion, I ran the basic commands with R vs RStudio as a test and it didn't hang. It produced the outputs as expected and at the speed that is expected when just using R.

Sorry, I'm out of ideas. You can run rstudio --run-diagnostics, which will generate a text file with a slew of information, but I wouldn't bet on it producing anything helpful, particularly if the problem is with connections to local ports intermittently breaking.

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