whenever I have RStudio open especially if it is using a lot of resources (have a meeting and use R simultaneously or have other documents open) it starts to glitch with random colors or squares of distorted colors or text even when scrolling. I am using the latest verion or RStudio Build 485 piraire trillium and happens a lot when using RMarksdown. I also see it when using just the R Console using RStudio. Any help on how to fix? I have also seen it happen when it resource usage is low
Have you tried changing to software rendering?, you can change it by holding the Ctrl key while opening RStudio, then you should see this menu and change the "Rendering Engine" to "Software".
Seems to be working! my other question is, I notice that when using R markdown, it makes my computer really slow no matter how long or short the R markdown is. Do you think that the suggestion you gave can help reduce the lagginess of R markdowns?
If the lagginess is related to the responsiveness of the IDE, then yes, but if it is related to the R code being run, then no. Hard to tell without a REPRoducible EXample (reprex).