I would like to use RStudio to create a statistical panel data model. But today, I noticed that when executing the plm command, RStudio didn't response properly. When trying to exit, RStudio gave me a message "quitting R Session", without ever doing so.
Later, I just wanted to load in the plm set with the library command, now the same problem, R is busy executing the command without ever finalizing.
Now, I can not even load in my data set, as indicated in the attached picture, as it never leaves the "Preparing Import from SPSS, SAS and Stata" phase.
Only very simple commands like 9x9 can now be executed, all other commands are practicly broken.
I reinstalled R, as well as R Studio twice, but no changes after all.
However, as far as I can tell, R works perfectly, with executing e.g. the install.packages command, only RStudio seems to be broken.
I hope that you can help me with this weird problem.
Thanks in advance!