Hi everyone,
I have build an Rstudio docker image with the latesr R an Rstudio follow the official link: Ubuntu Packages For R - Brief Instructions . I want to star Rstudio with other user rather than root, by this, I added the following code:
RUN echo 'server-user=rstudio_user' >> /etc/rstudio/rserver.conf
RUN echo 'auth-minimum-user-id=1000' >> /etc/rstudio/rserver.conf
RUN echo 'auth-none=1' >> /etc/rstudio/rserver.conf
RUN rm -rf /var/log/rstudio-server
RUN rm -rf /var/lib/rstudio-server
RUN rm -rf /tmp/rstudio-rsession
RUN rm -rf /tmp/rstudio-rserver
RUN rstudio-server restart
When i run the image with: $ docker run --rm -it -p 8787:8787 rstudio:image , the system start and show this lines:
TTY detected. Printing informational message about logging configuration. Logging configuration loaded from '/etc/rstudio/logging.conf'. Logging to '/home/efx_container_user/.local/share/rstudio/log/rserver.log'.
TTY detected. Printing informational message about logging configuration. Logging configuration loaded from '/etc/rstudio/logging.conf'. Logging to '/home/efx_container_user/.local/share/rstudio/log/rserver.log'.
That's is good, the same happend with root user and it's work, but, when a try to start de IDE with http://localhost:8787 i encounter this erros and it dosn'r start:
rserver[17]: WARNING Invalid secure cookie (wrong number of fields): |Sun%2C%2027%20Mar%202022%2015%3A55%3A54%20GMT|hwSEk5te6PdunBMDngdE51x41drlsReKe8rS%2FURJsRo%3D; LOGGED FROM: std::__cxx11::string rstudio::core::http::secure_cookie::readSecureCookie(const string&) src/cpp/server_core/http/SecureCookie.cpp:173
i have tried differents way to fix it without success. I'll very appreciate your help.