Rstudio Error with displayed language

Hello Rstudio community,

I have a huge issue with r studio which didn't correct itself after neither updating nor restarting.
While I am typing, the console and skript show the letters as symbols and make it horribly inefficient to work with. When copying the symbols out to another environment/application like the browser, the symbols get transformed back into "readable" letters.

I already tried adjusting the language settings and searched for the problem but nothing worked.

For clarification, let me show you how this looks.

and the first codeline says
when copied into this comment section

Do you have any idea how to fix this issue?

Does resetting RStudio's state help?

Not the same, but perhaps related issue.

RStudio 2024.09.0+375 macOS 14.6.1 (Intel)

Whitespace being rendered as "Ą":

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