Hi RStudio team,
recently came to my hands an old 32 bits lap top that is working on linux (Mx linux 21.1).
I am using R version 4.0.4 (2021-02-15) -- "Lost Library Book" on the terminal.
I tried to install rstudio v. 1.1.463 on it (because on RStudio website this version is the last recommended for 32 bits).I tried to install manually and on the terminal, it did not work, but...
now, some minutes before i send this message i tried to install it again, running a .deb package and terminal says there where some errors...and dependencies conflicts..
then using :
apt list --installed,
rstudio appears on the list and it appears at window where we select programs...but it does not run, nothing happens...
I send to you photos with info about my system and about the command used to install rstudio, as well as the list of installed programs where rstudio appears... Thanks for your time and help.
I will be looking forward to hearing from you.
P.D. Greetings from Mexico City.