RStudio Desktop - Networked drive, laggy response


Experiencing the same issue. Networked drive, laggy response.
Is this fixed? Or is there a work around?

Rstudio: 1.1.447
R version 3.5.0 (2018-04-23)

Do you have any better luck with the preview release of RStudio?

Will ask our IT to update.

For what it's worth, we offer portable, standalone installations of RStudio for the preview release. E.g. for Windows:

You might try unzipping that to some place where you have read / write permissions and running that if you wanted to quickly test locally.

Hi Kevin, thanks will try this later today

In addition, I frequently get the message below, Think it has the same underlying problem. Maybe it helps you?

Warning message:
File monitoring failed for project at "H:/CloudStation/Drive/R zkh/DataDownloads/Project X"
Error 59 (Er is een onverwachte netwerkfout opgetreden) (in English: Unexpected error occured)
Features disabled: R source file indexing, Diagnostics