Rstudio started behaving oddly, for instance not executing source as I Ctrl+Entered it. So I closed it, got a strange message about not being able to connect two browsers simultaneously, and restarted it.
My source .Rmd file is empty. A check of explorer confirms my fears: 0 B size.
Not a happy camper here. There's no .html file that I might be able to recover my program from either.
Is there anything else I could look at before I curse loudly and angrily?
Sorry I don't have anything to propose regarding the recovery, but for future projects I'd recommend using RStudio's Projects along with a version control software like GIT.
This won't help right now but maybe in the future:
You might want to check RStudio's auto-save capabilities: Tools -> Global options... -> Code -> Saving-> Auto-save
Yes - that's the default. It refers to the script file you are editing. AFAIK thre is no separate backup. However, maybe check the locations mentioned here.