Hello everyone.
I set up a connection to my company's SnowFlake DB a couple of days ago.
I installed the ODBC snowflake drivers, installed the necessary libraries and so on.
Everything was working perfectly until last Friday.
I am not sure what I did, but it ever since Friday, everytime I try to run dbConnect, R simply crashes.
Import libraries --------------------------------------------------------
Set up connection -------------------------------------------------------
con <- dbConnect(
drv = odbc::odbc(),
Server = Sys.getenv("SNOWFLAKE_SERVER"),
Warehouse = Sys.getenv("SNOWFLAKE_WAREHOUSE"),
Driver = Sys.getenv("SNOWFLAKE_DRIVER_PATH")
I honestly do not know what else I can say. A colleague of mine took a look and everything was running smooth on this end.
Things I did:
- Updated RStudio (and I have R latest version)
- Updated the libraries I need.
- Made sure the ODBC driver is present. (It is!)
I am about to uninstall and install R because of this, but it sounds kind of silly to do it...
Has anyone faced this problem before?
Thanks in advance