We have noticed in the rstudio-connect.log file that there are lots of warnings created when running Shiny applications that have been deployed to our RStudio Connect server (v1.8.2-10). The application still runs as expected, but I was wondering if the warnings are due to a configuration issue, or can be safely ignored. There are quite a few, as it appears to occur for every GET of a web resource, so it would be nice to quiet these in the log. (Sample below...)
Are these expected?
2020/06/30 08:54:17 [worker b9fc8c0b; process 30235] Connected to worker on port 35298
2020/06/30 08:54:17 Warning: server address is empty; not setting header="RStudio-Connect-App-Base-URL" for sourcePrefix="/cw-covid-19" path="/"
2020/06/30 08:54:19 Warning: server address is empty; not setting header="RStudio-Connect-App-Base-URL" for sourcePrefix="/cw-covid-19" path="/shared/shiny.css"
2020/06/30 08:54:19 Warning: server address is empty; not setting header="RStudio-Connect-App-Base-URL" for sourcePrefix="/cw-covid-19" path="/shared/json2-min.js"
2020/06/30 08:54:19 Warning: server address is empty; not setting header="RStudio-Connect-App-Base-URL" for sourcePrefix="/cw-covid-19" path="/shared/jquery.min.js"
2020/06/30 08:54:19 Warning: server address is empty; not setting header="RStudio-Connect-App-Base-URL" for sourcePrefix="/cw-covid-19" path="/shared/shiny.min.js"