I signed up for a custom R Studio cloud account for my class (1 instructor and 20 students), and invited them to it as shown in the instructions. However, when they log in, they are still showing up on the free plan. (I , the instructor, show up as a "custom" plan).
They are working on assignments that will quickly run out of time on the free plan, so I am trying to figure out how to get them into the plan that we paid for. I sent a note to support, but have not heard back yet. This is fairly urgent, so I hope someone will be able to help me figure out what to do.
They are generally using assignments from my class workspace, but there will shortly be instances when they need to create their own project in their own workspace.
If you have created a Space for your course in your account using your Instructor plan, and invited your students to that Shared space, then any work done by your students in that Space will be attributed to your instructor plan and not the student's free plan. Conversely, any work done in their student's individual workspace (not in your Shared space) will count toward their free plan. In other words, as long as students are working in your Space, then they wont run out of hours on their free plan.