RSTUDIO CLOUD file upload still DO NOT WORKS


I have problems uploading files in my rstudio cloud account, it is not free and it is becoming irritating as all blogs I read none offer a proper solution. It is mention bugs that are suppose to be working since 2020 (see: Error in upload file rstudio cloud - #5 by Rafael_Eduardo_Diaz). Now is 2022 and still the same issue. Please help.

Sorry about the delay in responding. If you are still having this issue, can you share a screen shot of the error you are seeing. If possible, can you open the developer tools and share any errors you see in the javascript Console?


Thanks for your answer. I solver it by changing my browser from chrome to firefox. Then, I can upload files to rstudio cloud however I think there is a problem with chrome, version 107.0.5304.107 (Build oficial) (64 bits).

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