RStudio blows up

I am able to reliably blow-up RStudio with just a few lines. I am running RStudio 2023.06.1+524 "Mountain Hydrangea" and R version 4.3.1 (2023-06-16 ucrt) on a Windows 10 machine.

First I created the following script.

# badSource.R
"3" + "4"

Then in the consol I wrote

q <- function(){source("badSource.R")}

I get a message

Save workspace image to C:/Users/Dick/Desktop/catchSourceError/.RData? [y/n]: 

I enter n and RStudio dies. Done it four times now.

q() is the command to exit R.

Use a different name for your function.


Oh gawd. How can I have done that? :crazy_face:

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