I am executing RStudio in an home directory mounted on a windows UNC file path. I am aware that RStudio does not play nice with this so at the end of my .Rprofile I chdir('u:') which goes to a mapped "u" drive. This has been working great. However, when I open a project, it does not set the working directory to the correct path. It leaves it as "U:". I thought I had a fix by putting the following at the end of my .Rprofile:
tdir = 'u:/'
if(rstudioapi::isAvailable()) {
if(!is.null(rstudioapi::getActiveProject())) tdir = rstudioapi::getActiveProject()
However, this does not work. When that code chunk is running, it thinks that RStudio is not running. I determined this by putting a "cat(rstudioapi::getActiveProject())" outside the "if" statement and got a response "Error: RStudio not running".
What can I do so that RStudio correctly opens the project root as the working directory?
I am running RStudio version 1.1.442 on a Windows Server 2008 R2 OS.