RStudio: A Single Home for R & Python - Webinar Discussion

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What was Covered

Many Data Science teams today leverage both R and Python in their work, but struggle to use them together. Data Science leaders and their business partners find it difficult to make key data science content easily discoverable and available for decision-making, while IT Admins and DevOps engineers grapple with how to efficiently support these teams without duplicating infrastructure. Even experienced data scientists familiar with both languages often struggle to combine them without painful context switching and manual translations.

In this webinar, you will learn how RStudio helps organizations tackle these challenges, with a focus on some of the recent additions to our products that have helped deepen the happy relationship between R and Python:

Easily combine R and Python in a single Data Science project using a single IDE.

Leverage a single infrastructure to launch and manage Jupyter Notebooks, JupyterLab, VSCode and the RStudio IDE, while giving your team easy access to Kubernetes and other resources.

Share and manage access to R- and Python-based interactive applications, dashboards, and APIs, all in a single place.

About Lou Bajuk

Head of Product Marketing at RStudio - Lou is a passionate advocate for data science software and has had many years of experience in a variety of leadership roles in large and small software companies, including product marketing, product management, engineering, and customer success. He currently runs product marketing at RStudio, ensuring the best communication possible with RStudio's open-source and professional fans. In his spare time, his interests include books, cycling, science advocacy, great food, and theater.

About Sean Lopp

Product Manager at RStudio - Sean leads teams to create useful, enjoyable products. Before RStudio he was a data scientist and worked on alternative vehicle models at NREL, infant sleep dynamics, and originally studied mathematics. He lives outside Denver, CO and skis and bikes with his family.


Could you tell me if Rstudio supports python integration via windows subsystem for Linux like PyCharm or VS code?
Thank you

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Are there plans to bring full Julia integration into RStudio? It works in markdown cells via JuliaCall. Also currently .julia files get the syntax highlighting in RStudio (indicating it seems some capability is there) but not .jl files for some reason, and you cannot run either.

It would be nice to have 1 place to interface between all 3 of R/Python/Julia.



Not yet, we have limited resources and so we’re focused on R and Python right now but are watching Julia closely.



RStudio’s python support does not depend on the windows subsystem for linux

We had a lot of great questions during the webinar, and so plan a blog post responding to most. Expect a link to that here soon.

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Is it planned to be integrated in the near future?

What I usually do with RStudio and WSL2 is based on this ...
Using RStudio Server in Windows WSL2 – RStudio Support
which is imho way cooler :slight_smile: