RStudio 2024.12.0 Build 467 broken in several places

I am - trying to - running R 4.3.3 on Kubuntu 24.04. The hardware is 8 × Intel® Core™ i3-10100 CPU @ 3.60GHz, with 3.6 GB ram.

Three specific issues are: 1) the console no longer resizes properly anymore, 2) additionally tabs in the source window do not behave properly anymore, and 3) and generally the most irritating is that the graphics export does not work properly. All of these are problems in a project environment, while the graphics work when no project is open. No difficulties seem to encountered working from the command line in the console, outside a project.

Try upgrading to the patch which was released a couple days ago, 2024.12.1. Lots of fixes including some that might be relevent to your problems.

Thanks. As a matter of fact, I just did that this morning, and everything seems to be working again. Now I only need to worry about my fumbles.