RShiny App Disconnected From Server

I'm working on a dataset with date time variable and is roughly 15 MB in size. I'm using free RShiny Account currently. In my RShiny Application, I've Date Controls (2 Date Inputs) - (Start Date and End Date) basis which the main panel outputs vary. Start Date's minimum value is 17th August 2020, and maximum value is System Date. Further, I've 4 Value Boxes, 4 Visualization Plots (Line Chart, Pie Chart, Bar Chart and a WordCloud 2 Plot) and 3 Data Table Outputs. The application bundle size is roughly 7.5 MB and runs perfectly fine with deployment. Post deployment, as I change the start date to it's minimum value (keeping end date as default Current System Date), my app gets Disconnected from the server. What's the reason for the same? Is this because of high memory? Also, please let me know the solution for this. Thanks.

We don't have enough information to help you out, Could you check what your app's logs say?

Please find below the link for my application logs. Please let me know the solution for the same.

There is nothing evident that I can see but it seems there is a problem with filtering applied to your data, to help us help you, could you please prepare a reproducible example (reprex) illustrating your issue? Please have a look at this resources, to see how to create one for a shiny app

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