RSelenium gets stuck using ClickElement()

Hi community,

I am trying to use RSelenium to get into a url to extract some information.

My problem is that once that I an inside of the url remotly and I try to use "clickelement()" the page stay stuck. Here my code.

driver <- rsDriver( browser = c('firefox'))
remote_driver <- driver[["client"]]
url <- ";TRPUBLIC-ID-prod=0Te0AzD7Ro4S2IroweOcq-w6k5SMwdWiqekU_5PQQ1CzJdtTuxdg!-1989600635?firstTabActive=false"

address_element <- remote_driver$findElement(using = 'id', value = 'regStartDate')

button_element <- remote_driver$findElement(using = 'css', value = '.navbar-btn')

I try using xpath but it get stuck aniway.

Thanks for your help!!


Thanks for the answer but it doesn't work. I try to find the css by link text but I have two names of "buscar" and is not working.

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