I'm trying to build a dashboard from RStudio connect content using the connectwidgets package.
There is a rsc_grid function that creates the grid view. I would like to add app descriptions to the tiles in grid view. how could I do that ? the default input is the app name and owner_username.
I don't believe that's possible with connectwidgets grids at the moment (and I'm not sure the current design would handle large volumes of text well anyway). I've added an issue in the GitHub repository to track this feedback: https://github.com/rstudio/connectwidgets/issues/61
bs4cards may also be of interest to you: https://bs4cards.djnavarro.net/
Thanks for the reply. bs4cards is also a good option but the problem is with the images in the grid view.
will take care o the app images automatically. Right now using the connect api in connectwidget package I can not get the app image urls :
client <- connect(
server = "server",
api_key = "key"
all_content <- client %>%
the all_content
object does not return any image url from connect and when I use the same url, as the one used in link
paramenter I'm getting a proxy error while deploying to connect
sample_content %>%
title = title,
text = description,
link = url,
image = url,
tags = paste("all;", owner_first_name),
width = 4,
footer = paste("posted:", updated_time)
that chunk is compiling locally but during deployment :
[Connect] 2021/11/10 20:20:01.622797400 Could not fetch https://connect-server/content/5a537e1c-34e3-4457-bab2-bb418687a8dd/
[Connect] 2021/11/10 20:20:01.622841400 HttpExceptionRequest Request {
[Connect] 2021/11/10 20:20:01.622949900 host = "connect-server"
[Connect] 2021/11/10 20:20:01.622958200 port = 443
[Connect] 2021/11/10 20:20:01.623010200 secure = True
[Connect] 2021/11/10 20:20:01.623058100 requestHeaders = []
[Connect] 2021/11/10 20:20:01.623196500 path = "/content/5a537e1c-34e3-4457-bab2-bb418687a8dd/"
[Connect] 2021/11/10 20:20:01.623266000 queryString = ""
[Connect] 2021/11/10 20:20:01.623311100 method = "GET"
[Connect] 2021/11/10 20:20:01.623456100 proxy = Just (Proxy {proxyHost = "proxy-xxxx", proxyPort = 80})
[Connect] 2021/11/10 20:20:01.623519400 rawBody = False
[Connect] 2021/11/10 20:20:01.623565200 redirectCount = 10
[Connect] 2021/11/10 20:20:01.623629400 responseTimeout = ResponseTimeoutDefault
[Connect] 2021/11/10 20:20:01.623688200 requestVersion = HTTP/1.1
[Connect] 2021/11/10 20:20:01.623914900 proxySecureMode = ProxySecureWithConnect
[Connect] 2021/11/10 20:20:01.623919300 }
[Connect] 2021/11/10 20:20:01.624132900 (ProxyConnectException "connect-server" 443 (Status {statusCode = 502, statusMessage = "Bad Gateway"}))
[Connect] 2021/11/10 20:20:01.629277700 Error: pandoc document conversion failed with error 61
[Connect] 2021/11/10 20:20:01.630583300 Execution halted
[Connect] Unable to render the deployed content: Rendering exited abnormally: exit status 1
also I'm interested to get the custom url with this all_content
object as well which is not possible as well
Do you have an idea how to get app's image for the grid view when using the bs4cards