I am using the pscl package to create a roll call object, but I am finding an error, and couldn't overcome it.
The command I used is the following:
legis.names = mydata_rollcall$deputado_id,
vote.names = mydata_rollcall$ï..idVotacao,
It returns:
supplied legislator names do not match number of rows
in roll call matrix; will use default names
supplied vote names do not match number of columns
in roll call matrix; will use default names
Error in if (nrow(legis.data) != nrow(v)) stop("legislator data does not match number of legislators in roll call matrix") else rownames(legis.data) <- nm :
argument is of length zero
But there is no NA in any row, and the number of legislators and votes are the same.
Here is the data I am using:
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
voto = c("0","0","0","0","1","0",
deputado_id = c(204554L,204560L,204528L,
government = c("1","0","0","1","0","1",
ï..idVotacao = c("2263410-69","2263410-69",
data = c("2020-12-18","2020-12-18",
I appreciate your help.