Error in rnorm(1, mean = mean_value, sd = sd_value) :
could not find function "rnorm"
My program was working like a rocket until I updated Rstudio... I tried to fix the path.. nothing works... You see the error I get all the time.. it resisted my fixing.. note the rnorm is the ABC of stats and there's abug in the software.....
Do you get the error when running R from a command prompt/terminal (outside RStudio)? If yes, what happens when you run library(stats) in that R session?
It works in R... but I am working with my lon time mentor and friend and am running Monte Carlo Simulations... the topic is difficult and my former mentor is now ~ 84 years old... I need to come up with a nice visualization of my findings... I tried to program RStudio to get an Adobe Acrobat Output... Led me to update RStudio... and now my initial programs for my Monte Carlo Sims are no longer working... I can do them in R and find a way to have a user friendly display for my mentor.... he has a problem with his eyes....
Sorry, I'm unable to parse that response. In any case, we need to check a few details. Your first message mentions updating RStudio but your title mentions updating to 4-3-3, which is an R version, not an RStudio version. So here are a few questions.
Which version of RStudio are you using? You can find out via Help > About RStudio.
When you start RStudio, the version of R being used is listed at the top of the console tab. Is that 4.3.3 or something else?
In the Packages tab, if you scroll down near the bottom to the "System Library" section, do you see the "stats" package listed and, if so, what version number is listed and does it have a check mark?
Packages tab, if you scroll down near the bottom to the "System Library" section, do you see the "stats" package listed and, if so, what version number is listed and does it have a check mark?
It says Stats 19
The "stats19" package is for " Work with Open Road Traffic Casualty Data from Great Britain". Someone must have installed it in the "User Library". You want to check on the "stats" package, which should be in the "System Library". The "System Library" is below the "User Library", so you need to scroll down further. Be sure to report if there is a check mark in the box.
When you start RSudio there are four panes. The one in the lower right has tabs for Files, Plots, Packages, Help, Viewer and Presentation. Click on the Packages tab and scroll down.
Just to expand on this, the Packages tab has two parts (basically, packages you added followed by packages that came with R), separately alphabetized. So you have to scroll past where "stats" would be in the first group to get to the second group. We're looking for "stats" in the second group.