You can use the power of knitr
to fill the content of a chunk programmatically thanks to the code
chunk option. That means you can read you sql from a file to the chunk, then it is executed as any other SQL chunk.
Here is a reproducible example to show what I mean. I think it covers what you are looking for. Please tell me otherwise.
You can put the lines below in a Rmd file and render it.
title: "Use external SQL file for SQL chunks"
output: html_document
In order to provide a reproducible example, we use dplyr and dbplyr with `tbl_memdb` to load a table into a memory db.
iris_db <- tbl_memdb(iris)
# we isolate the connection object
con <- src_memdb()$con
We check that it works with SQL chunk to filter data into an R object
```{sql, connection=con, output.var="setosa"}
SELECT * FROM iris WHERE Species == "setosa"
The object `setosa` exists
Know, let see how to load the SQL command from a file to a chunk then execute to save in a R object. We can do it through the power of knitr.
For the demo, we write some SQL in a script `versicolor.sql` using the `cat` engine that can write the content of a chunk to file.
```{cat, engine.opts = list(file = "versicolor.sql", lang = "sql")}
SELECT * FROM iris WHERE Species == "versicolor"
and we check that the file exists with some content
Now we can use this script to fill the content of the chunk and execute it like any sql chunk. We use the knitr chunk option `code` that allow to fill the content of a chunk programmatically.
```{sql, connection = con, code=readLines("versicolor.sql"), output.var="versicolor"}
The chunk is executed as any other SQL chunk. We check that versicolor data exists