Rmd. Error in chunk if it ends with two or more blank lines or one or more comments (started with hash symbols)

I am using RStudio 2023.06.1 Build 524 over Ubuntu 22.04.
Reproducing the error is quite simple, just clic in RStudio: File-->New file-->R Mardown... In the "New R Markdown" window select PDF and press OK button. A default Rmd file is shown in the RStudio code editor. Go to the cars chunk (line 18). The chunk looks like this:

```{r cars}

Add two empty new lines after the command. You should have something like this:

```{r cars}


Now, knit the Rmd. I get this error:

Error en evaluate_call(expr, parsed$src[[i]], envir = envir, enclos = enclos, : 
  is.call(call) || is.language(call) || is.atomic(call) is not TRUE
Calls: <Anonymous> ... evaluate -> <Anonymous> -> evaluate_call -> stopifnot

I also get the same error if instead of 2 or more empty lines you have 1 or more hash symbol comments. For instance:

```{r cars}
#Just a comment also fails. 

However, this doesn't happen with RStudio Server 1.2.1335 over Ubuntu 16.04

Anyone has got this result? Any solution?

Best regards,


Sorry for the delay here. I hope since then you manage to find that this was related to evaluate. Updating the package should have solved this.

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