I have four equations below each other. When I generate the HTML the vertical distance of the last equation is bigger than the previous ones.
Here is the code
title: "Untitled"
author: "Renger"
date: "8 3 2021"
output: html_document
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
## R Markdown
$$\theta_{NS} = \frac{U_{S}}{BPW} \frac{U_{NS}}{U_{NS}+ U_{RS}+U_{SS}}$$
$$\theta_{RS} = \frac{U_{S}}{BPW} \frac{U_{RS}}{U_{NS}+ U_{RS}+ U_{SS}}$$
$$\theta_{SS} = \frac{U_{S}}{BPW} \frac{U_{SS}}{U_{NS}+ U_{RS} +U_{SS}}$$
$$\theta_{UB} = 1 - \theta_{NS} - \theta_{RS} - \theta_{SS}$$
Besser wäre vielleicht der folgende Ansatz:
$$\theta_{EB} = \frac{BPW-U_{S}}{BPW}$$
$$\theta_{NS} = \frac{U_{NS}}{U_{NS}+U_{RS} + U_{SS}} (1 - \theta_{UB})$$
$$\theta_{RS} = \frac{U_{RS}}{U_{NS}+U_{RS} + U_{SS}} (1 - \theta_{UB})$$
$$\theta_{SS} = \frac{U_{SS}}{U_{NS}+U_{RS} + U_{SS}} (1 - \theta_{UB})$$
Any idea why this is the case? I uploaded a screenshot.