I am writing a seminar paper for a course at my university using R Markdown.
For citation I use biblatex and the authoryear-icomp citation style.
The (shortened) YAML header of my .Rmd file looks like this:
in_header: "tex/preamble.tex"
before_body: "tex/before_body.tex"
citation_package: biblatex
toc: false
keep_tex: true
bibliography: ["bib/references.bib", "bib/packages.bib"]
biblio-style: authoryear-icomp
documentclass: scrartcl
I would like to increase the space between the single entries in the bibliography, for which I have found possible solutions here.
The issue is that I cannot simply paste the code in the preamble.tex
file because of the way RMarkdown or Pandoc create the .tex file.
The following is a snippet from the resulting .tex file:
% --- other stuff --- %
% preamble.tex ends here
\usepackage{selnolig} % disable illegal ligatures
\IfFileExists{xurl.sty}{\usepackage{xurl}}{} % add URL line breaks if available
\urlstyle{same} % disable monospaced font for URLs
pdfcreator={LaTeX via pandoc}}
Thus, if I added e.g. \setlength\bibitemsep{1.5\itemsep}
to preamble.tex
, this line of code would be added before the import of the biblatex package.
But the command needs to be placed after the import and before \begin{document}
Does anyone have an idea of how to deal with this problem?