this is my first post here, so if there is anything unclear or incomprehensible please tell me!
I am also fairly new to R and RStudio.
I have a data set of an experiment we did where I should do an ANOVA. The data set contains repeated measures as we asked participants to rate different snacks at multiple time points. I now want to find out whether their group membership influenced their ratings.
I have already tried out many different YT and other tutorials but now I am very confused because I am not sure anymore whether I am even assigning my variables correctly anymore. Or whether it is a one-way or two-way ANOVA?
My dependant variable is the Rating because it depends on the Group (membership) and the Group in turn is my independant variable. However, most tutorials I have watched about RM ANOVA use the time points (in my case called Phase) as the independant varaible, but this isn'T what I need?
My table is already in long format, so that isn't a problem. It has the variables ID (1, 2, 3, 4, ....120), Rating (number btwn -100 and 100), Phase (btwn 1 and 4), Snack (different kinds of snacks) and Group membership (0, 1, 2 or 99). I want to know whether Group has a significant effect on Rating and then plot it.
How could I do this?
I would be very grateful for some help! If you need more information, please comment, like I said, this is my first post, so I am not sure whether this is enough.