rgdal issue - other solutions for UK maps

I have this code which has been working:

NPS.by.Region <- data.frame(
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
            Region = c("East Midlands",
                       "East of England","London","North East","North West",
                       "Northern Ireland","Scotland","South East","South West","Wales",
                       "West Midlands","Yorkshire and The Humber"),
          AVER.NPS = c(80.3990610328639,
             Count = c(852,1434,451,411,1103,135,


eng1 <- rgdal::readOGR(paste0("https://opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/",

countries1 <- rgdal::readOGR(paste0("https://opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/",

eng <- sf::st_as_sf(eng1)
countries <- sf::st_as_sf(countries1)
UK <- countries[-1,] 
names(eng)[3] <- "Region"
names(UK)[3] <- "Region"
UK$objectid <- 10:12
eng <- eng[-2]
UK <- UK[c(1, 3, 9:11)]
UK <- rbind(eng, UK)

ukj <- left_join(UK,NPS.by.Region)

ggplot2::ggplot(ukj, ggplot2::aes(fill = AVER.NPS)) + 
  ggplot2::geom_sf() +
  ggplot2::scale_fill_gradient(low="#CC0000", high = "#006600")

Now, there are some issues with rgdal or something else as I cannot run it anymore.

Can anyone help?

It seems like it cannot find the data sources any longer - the download links from ArcGIS Hub seem to be broken.

Maybe try and download the data and reference the downloaded data from your code to introduce more reproducibility ?

This is the problem as I used this part of the code:

eng1 <- rgdal::readOGR(paste0("https://opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/",

countries1 <- rgdal::readOGR(paste0("https://opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/",

from one of the codes available in the R community.
I was using that for a while. It stopped working and I cannot fix it.
Perhaps there is another way of creating UK region maps without this code?

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