Note: I solved the problem, I need to learn which is the most efficient or "R way" to solve it.
The data:
I have a set of observations that corresponds to encounters in a urgency centre. Diagnositcs are coded by ICD-10. I wanted to give a general idea using the ICD chapters (, so I needed some sort of "conditional" join (an alphanumeric range). So in the end, I had two dfs: the ICD-10 table (wikipedia link above), and my data that looks like this:
# tabla_cie10
# originally the code was represented as a range like: A00-B99. Since I couldn't do anything with it, I split it to a "start" and "end" column.
capitulo codigo_inicio codigo_termino titulo
1 I A00 B99 Ciertas enfermedades infecciosas y parasitarias
2 II C00 D48 Neoplasias
3 III D50 D89 Enfermedades de la sangre y de los órganos hematopoyéticos y otros trastornos que afectan el mecanismo de la inmunidad
4 IV E00 E90 Enfermedades endocrinas, nutricionales y metabólicas
5 V F00 F99 Trastornos mentales y del comportamiento
6 VI G00 G99 Enfermedades del sistema nervioso
# df
CODIGO_ESTANDAR id cie10_titulo
1 Z02.7 1
2 N39.0 2
3 S42.3 3
4 B86 4
5 N23 5
6 R50.9 6
I ended up doing a rowwise for loop that solved my problem:
btw <- function(x, left, right) {
x >= left & x <= right
for (i in 1:nrow(tabla_cie10)) {
row <- tabla_cie10[i,]
df <- df %>%
mutate(cie10_titulo = if_else(
btw(CODIGO_ESTANDAR, row$codigo_inicio, row$codigo_termino),
The code actually worked:
CODIGO_ESTANDAR id cie10_titulo
1 Z02.7 1 Factores que influyen en el estado de salud y contacto con los servicios de salud
2 N39.0 2 Enfermedades del aparato genitourinario
3 S42.3 3 Traumatismos, envenenamientos y algunas otras consecuencias de causa externa
4 B86 4 Ciertas enfermedades infecciosas y parasitarias
5 N23 5 Enfermedades del aparato genitourinario
6 R50.9 6 Síntomas, signos y hallazgos anormales clínicos y de laboratorio, no clasificados en otra parte
While I could solve my problem, I have the feeling that I solved it in a non elegant or the "R" way. Also I felt I couldn't search this issue because I didn't know how to look for it (so if you could help me to correct the title of the topic it would be welcome too).