Returning two values from a reactive function

This is what I have coded so far: I am trying for the reactive function to return the two values returned by the extractParams() function in functionName(). It does not work. I do not get the textOutput displayed. What is the right way of doing this?

ui <- fluidPage(

textOutput("list(value1, value2")

functonName <- function(sentvairble){

  c(outL, numericL) %<-% extractParams(sentVariable)  # the function that responds to this function call returns a list "list(outL, numericsL)
list(outL = outL, numericsL = numericsL)

extractParams <- function(sentVariable){

 outL <- 1
  numericsL <- 2

  return(list(outL, numericsL))

server <- function(input, output){
output$checkedInput <- reactive({
    output$list(value1, value2) %<-% renderText({
      list(result1, result2) %<-% functionName(inFileName)
      return(list(result1$outL, result2$numericsL))


You can only return one object in each R function, and the textOutput() just creates some html with that ID attached, that needs a renderText() to assign and change the HTML content and display your text.

Something like the below:

ui <- fluidPage(

functionName <- function(sent_variable){
  # the function that responds to this 
  # function call returns a list "list(outL, numericsL)

server <- function(input, output){

  output$your_output <- renderText({
       #variable could be an input
       two_value_list <- functionName(variable) 
       # turn the list into a single text string
       paste("1:",two_value_list[[1]], "2:", two_value_list[[2]]) 

Thanks, the follwoing works weel: but it returns TRUE, FALSE instead of the values 1 and 2

 output$checkedInput <- reactive({
     output$value <- renderText({
     result <- glycoPipe(inFileName)
     returnedParam1 <- result$outL
     returnedParam2 <- result$numericsL
     paste("1:", result[[1]], "2:", result[[2]])
     return(paste("1:", result[[1]], "2:", result[[2]]))

Thank you. If I use :
return(paste("1:", returnedParam1, "2:", returnedParam2))
I get the right results. How can I extract each value from the string?

I wouldn't put the renderText() inside the reactive() function, thats confusing and perhaps your issue.

 output$checkedInput <- renderText({
     result <- glycoPipe(inFileName)

     returnedParam1 <- result$outL
     returnedParam2 <- result$numericsL

     return(paste("1:", result[[1]], "2:", result[[2]]))


I'm not sure what you want to extract each value from the string, but if you have a variable length of list you could perhaps do something like paste(1:length(result),":" ,unlist(result), collapse = ", ")

Thanks very much.

I am trying to use getwd() in shiny, but it returns NA. what can I use instead to get the path in the local directory of the server? Not the PC working directory.

Please delete this post. This is a different question.

Probably not a good idea to use getwd() at all, try relative paths to where your shiny app is deployed

e.g. if


...then you can read data from within the Shiny app via "data/mydata.csv"

OK, thanks. Is there any way I can get the folder where an uploaded and saved file (copy()) is in the server? Not in the local PC