I'm afraid, I don't understand shiny modules quite right yet.
I have an app with a table that gets its data from a MariaDB server. When the user clicks an actionButton, a modal dialog pops up and displays the underlying query.
I try to handle this and inputs from the modal with this module:
### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
### --- Logic For the ACE Editor -------------------------------------------------------------------
### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
source("./modules/aceUI.R") # Ace editor embedded in a modal dialog.
# Launch an instance of the ace editor.
aceServer <- function(id, query.chr) {
, function(input, output, session) {
# Show the modal dialog.
# Other that the usual server/ui build up with modules
# a modal is dynamic so that its' inputs aren't available
# even if namespaced correctly.
aceUI(session$ns, query.chr)
# React to button pushes.
# Return the query edited in the text field.
, {
Two problems arise:
- When the actionButton is pressed a second time, the modal appears and immediately disappears again.
- When the sql query is edited and the actionButton "requery" in the modal dialog is pressed, the changed sql should somehow be returned. But the way I do it, doesn't work. Instead
e.g. just prints info about the function.
This is the modal UI:
### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
### --- Edit SQL Queries and Statements ------------------------------------------------------------
### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Display a modal dialog with an editor.
aceUI <- function(ns, query.chr) {
title = "Query Information"
, shinyAce::aceEditor(
outputId = ns("sql")
, selectionId = ns("selection")
, value = query.chr
, placeholder = "Show a placeholder when the editor is empty ..."
, mode = "sql"
, easyClose = TRUE
, fade = TRUE
, footer = shiny::tagList(
, shiny::actionButton(ns("requery"), "Requery")
Help is greatly appreciated.