In RStudio-Server/Workbench, is it possible to restrict access to specific users/groups with SAML authentication?
For example, using PAM authentication, restriction is applied adding auth-required-user-group in /etc/rstudio/rserver.conf and creating a ldap filter in /etc/sssd/sssd.conf.
Unfortunately I was not able to find documentation on how Oracle Access Manager does this. But I assume the people administering it in your organization know how to this. The general idea is the following:
the IdP manages user authentication, but we cannot limit the access at this level.
For example, if my user, user1, authenticates with SAML, I should also have a valid PAM Session and sssd service in the system, in order to get the groups associated with (e.g. group1, group2).
If group1 is set in the property auth-required-user-group in /etc/rstudio/rserver.conf, I should get access to RStudio. If not, access should be denied.
Our IdP returns the NameID, matching the user's account username in the local system.
So, I expect access would be regulated through this property in /etc/rstudio/rserver.conf, even if I use SAML.
I find it surprising that your IdP does not provide this feature. However, auth-required-user-group should work even for SAML authentication. And if you are provisioning the users via sssd, you can also use an LDAP filter since a valid user is required to log into RStudio Workbench. So if the user does not exist on the Linux system, they won't be able to log in.