Resorting dataframe with personal order

Hello everyone,

I´m actually looking for a function for sorting columns of a dataframe. I do need a personal order (e.g. not alphabetic). I do have different groups, each time measured several times – in total >50 columns.

Here is an example dataframe:
df <- data.frame(Value = rep(c(1:4)),
Patient1_1 = rep(c(1:4)), Patient2_1 = rep(c(1:4)), Control_1 = rep(c(1:4)),
Patient1_2 = rep(c(1:4)), Patient2_2 = rep(c(1:4)), Control_2 = rep(c(1:4)),
Patient1_3 = rep(c(1:4)), Patient2_3 = rep(c(1:4)), Control_3 = rep(c(1:4))

I tried by using the function below – to first only resort all the patients in single groups.
df_patient_grouping <- df[order(names(df))]

Next step should be final resorting patients according to my special order. For example first all the controls (from 1 to 3), next Patient2 (from 1 to 3), followed by Patient1 (from 1 to 3).
Should be: Control_1, Control_2, Control_3, Patient2_1, Patient2_2, Patient2_3, Patient1_1, Patient1_2, Patient1_3

Of course I could use the select function (rstatix) but I do not want to add column names each time I will have a new round of measurement.
Is there a possibility to define the order (without the numeric label)?

Thanks in advance.

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