Resolving Paths in index.html file


I run a long-running shiny app with an index.html file to manage the page layout. Just recently, the app has not been accessing the HTML files. The program cannot access ANY of the HTML or JS files in the app.
I'd appreciate any ideas about what is going on.

Here is the directory structure for the app:
/css # the location of the default CSS
/img # Images
/js # JS code
/html # the HTML files

These files are accessed in the UI.R file using the htmlTemplate() command:
function(req) {
area=selectInput("area","Select your Area:", choices = unique(areas$place)),

The app.R file contains this fluidPage command:
ui <- fluidPage(
tags$link(rel = "stylesheet", type = "text/css", href = "www/css/common.css"), #Link to CSS...
titlePanel("Draft Conservation Trust Find Population Estimates for Calendar Vintage 2023"),


Again, the issue seems to be that Shiny cannot access the contents of the www subdirectory.
Any ideas about how to resolve this issue?

I was able to resolve this issue by returning to the documentation.
All is well now.

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