I am reshaping data from wide to long using reshape
, but three of the columns get mixed up.
Here is an example of the wide data:
dat <- data.frame(id = c(1, 2, 3),
BF1.desc = c("meal1", "other", "meal3"),
BF1.portion = c(1, 2, 1),
BF1.portionqualifier = c("lower", "same", "greater"),
BF1.other = c(NA, "food", NA),
BF2.desc = c(NA, NA, NA),
BF2.portion = c(NA, NA, NA),
BF2.portionqualifier = c(NA, NA, NA),
BF2.other = c(NA, NA, NA),
LN1.desc = c("meal4", "meal5", "meal6"),
LN1.portion = c(2, 3, 3),
LN1.portionqualifier = c("same", "same", "lower"),
LN1.other = c(NA, NA, NA),
LN2.desc = c("meal7", "meal8", "other"),
LN2.portionqualifier = c("same", "greater", "same"),
LN2.portion = c(3, 1, 2),
LN2.other = c(NA, NA, "this food")
This is the long output that I am trying to achieve:
# id MealTypes desc portion portionqualifier other
# 1 BF1 meal1 1 lower <NA>
# 2 BF1 other 2 same food
# 3 BF1 meal3 1 greater <NA>
# 1 BF2 <NA> NA <NA> <NA>
# 2 BF2 <NA> NA <NA> <NA>
# 3 BF2 <NA> NA <NA> <NA>
# 1 LN1 meal4 2 same <NA>
# 2 LN1 meal5 3 same <NA>
# 3 LN1 meal6 3 lower <NA>
# 1 LN2 meal7 3 same <NA>
# 2 LN2 meal8 1 greater <NA>
# 3 LN2 other 2 same this food
However, when I use the following code:
longdat <-
reshape(dat, direction = 'long',
varying = c("BF1.desc", "BF1.portion", "BF1.portionqualifier", "BF1.other",
"BF2.desc", "BF2.portion", "BF2.portionqualifier", "BF2.other",
"LN1.desc", "LN1.portion", "LN1.portionqualifier", "LN1.other",
"LN2.desc", "LN2.portion", "LN2.portionqualifier", "LN2.other"),
timevar = "MealTypes",
times = c("BF1", "BF2", "LN1", "LN2"),
v.names = c("desc", "portion", "portionqualifier", "other"),
idvar = "id"
This is the output I get (the last three columns get mixed up):
# id MealTypes desc portion portionqualifier other
# 1 BF1 meal1 <NA> 1 lower
# 2 BF1 other food 2 same
# 3 BF1 meal3 <NA> 1 greater
# 1 BF2 <NA> <NA> NA <NA>
# 2 BF2 <NA> <NA> NA <NA>
# 3 BF2 <NA> <NA> NA <NA>
# 1 LN1 meal4 <NA> 2 same
# 2 LN1 meal5 <NA> 3 same
# 3 LN1 meal6 <NA> 3 lower
# 1 LN2 meal7 <NA> 3 same
# 2 LN2 meal8 <NA> 1 greater
# 3 LN2 other this food 2 same
Any ideas where I am going wrong would be greatly appreciated.