Republishing without having to click the button?

Just wondering if it's possible to republish on a schedule, or when the linked GitHub repo is updated, or if there's some feature like that might be coming up soon? I was trying to find an option other than manually clicking to republish as I'm experimenting with deploying a Quarto dashboard which needs updating daily.

Hi Nic - how are you? For the Alpha release, you need to click the button. However, we are exploring the GitHub integration to make pushing to your repo automatically redeploy.

Curious if you'd like to see this behavior by default or something that you could turn on/off depending on a specific piece of content.

Hope to see you at Conf again this year!

Hi Alex,

Ooh, that's awesome, that'll be a great feature to have!

I think configurable would make sense; like, for this project, sure I want to update every time I push to the main branch + on a schedule, but I could imagine people wanting to share a static snapshot of something too.

Yeah, I'll be at conf; this dashboard is the focus of a talk I'm co-presenting actually. Look forward to seeing you there!

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