Reproducible research - how to prepare compendium for reviewers

I would like to ask you, how do you send materials to the reviewers for publication ?
I mean I have learned how to prepare docker image/container and I am able fire the container up in firefox.
I have my data in there, scripts or the whole methodology etc, so that the reviewers can check what I have been doing.
I give them my whole environment, packages, dependencies, R version, RStudio version, etc., but will such a reviewer be savvy enough to know how to open it ?
Here, however, I do not know how to make the docker image to fire-up by itself (self-launching application (eg. RStudio in web browser). The reviewer must have Docker Desktop installed (I am on windows) and be able to open it in a browser (one need to execute some commands). Are there any easier ways to get it up and running simply and quickly?
I have watched this:

but this is like general ideas lecture.

I am curious how do you do it ?

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