REPREX IDE an RStudio like IDE in the browser - Shiny Contest Submission

REPREX IDE an RStudio like IDE in the browser

Authors: Sean Birchall

Abstract: REPREX should hopefully look and feel like RStudio. It currently supports individual R, pseudo RMD, and MD scripts. After creating an account / logging in you should be able to share your REPREX IDE with others! It will likely take very long to load the first time.

Hopefully this description is enough to get started as it should feel like every R users favorite IDE.

Full Description: I started working on this as I've always wanted to be a Posit Connect user but no company I worked at was willing to invest in it as I'm usually 1 of a few R programmers. So instead I've jumped through hoops learning the Cloud and convincing IT to give me access to various Cloud resources. I believe webR / shinylive is the biggest innovation to happen in R since I starting writing R code ~10 years ago. I think it's possible to create an open source, low / no cost alternative to a lot of Posits offering with an S3 bucket and some serverless functions... follow along as I try to do that, or contribute / reach out to me if you're interested in helping.

You will likely also notice that there are a number of incomplete features, they will be completed sooner than later! If you click in the environment table to view a dataframe like object a custom handsontable js widget will appear in the viewer pane. The plan is to create a excel grid like table powered by dplyr, tidyr, and duckdb on the backend. It's heavily influenced by and existing tool called exploratory. There is also currently a separate integration with duckdb wasm, which allows for connecting to remote S3 files... a lot more to come from there. The final feature(s) worth mentioning on my roadmap is to support creating shinylive apps just like Shiny examples, SQL (duckdb), maybe JS, and some cloud connections!

Shiny app: REPREX IDE
GitHub - seanbirchall/scrapeable: Infecting the web with R
Shiny examples browser

won't let me :frowning:

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