I have an RStudio project that uses renv. I recently upgraded my core R version, and had to reinstall the packages from the original lockfile. Now each time I open the project I get this message:
Using R 4.4.2 (lockfile was generated with R 4.3.1)
- Project {my_project} loaded. [renv 1.0.11]
- One or more packages recorded in the lockfile are not installed.
- Use `renv::status()` for more details.
When I explore my_project/renv/library... I see all the packages duly sitting there.
How can I make RStudio / renv recognise the packages are already installed, rather than reinstalling them all each time I open the project?
renv::status() lists the inconsistent packages e.g. askpass is supposedly recorded but not installed:
package installed recorded used
askpass n y ?
But then I inspect the library and askpass has a folder just as it should...
renv::diagnostics() provides the same list of packages in an "inconsistent state", followed by a list of packages where Library and Source shows as NA, while Lockfile shows the version, like this:
No, find.package("askpass") agrees with renv::status() that the package is not installed:
Error in find.package("askpass") : there is no package called ‘askpass’
Here is the output of renv::diagnostics():
Diagnostics Report [renv 1.0.11]
# Session Info ---------------------------------------------------------------
R version 4.4.2 (2024-10-31 ucrt)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64
Running under: Windows 11 x64 (build 26100)
Matrix products: default
[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United Kingdom.utf8
[2] LC_CTYPE=English_United Kingdom.utf8
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_United Kingdom.utf8
[5] LC_TIME=English_United Kingdom.utf8
time zone: Europe/London
tzcode source: internal
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices datasets utils methods base
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] compiler_4.4.2 tools_4.4.2 renv_1.0.11
# Project --------------------------------------------------------------------
Project path: REDACTED = PROJECT_FOLDER below
# Status ---------------------------------------------------------------------
The following package(s) are in an inconsistent state:
package installed recorded used
askpass n y ?
base64enc n y ?
bit n y ?
bit64 n y ?
blob n y ?
bslib n y ?
cachem n y ?
cellranger n y ?
class y y ?
classInt n y ?
cli n y ?
colorspace n y ?
commonmark n y ?
cpp11 n y ?
crayon n y ?
crosstalk n y ?
curl n y ?
data.table n y ?
DBI n y ?
digest n y ?
dplyr n y y
e1071 n y ?
ellipsis n y ?
evaluate n y ?
fansi n y ?
farver n y ?
fastmap n y ?
fontawesome n y ?
fs n y ?
generics n y ?
ggplot2 n y y
glue n y ?
gtable n y ?
highr n y ?
hms n y ?
htmltools n y ?
htmlwidgets n y ?
httpuv n y ?
httr n y y
isoband n y ?
jquerylib n y ?
jsonlite n y y
KernSmooth y y ?
knitr n y ?
labeling n y ?
later n y ?
lattice y y ?
lazyeval n y ?
leaflet n y y
leaflet.providers n y ?
lifecycle n y ?
logger n y y
lubridate n y y
magrittr n y ?
markdown n y y
MASS y y ?
Matrix y y ?
memoise n y ?
mgcv y y ?
mime n y ?
munsell n y ?
nlme y y ?
openssl n y ?
pillar n y ?
pins n y y
pkgconfig n y ?
plogr n y ?
plotly n y y
png n y ?
prettyunits n y ?
progress n y ?
promises n y ?
proxy n y ?
purrr n y ?
R6 n y ?
rappdirs n y ?
raster n y ?
RColorBrewer n y ?
Rcpp n y ?
readxl n y y
rematch n y ?
rlang n y ?
rmarkdown n y ?
RPostgres n y y
s2 n y ?
sass n y ?
scales n y y
sf n y y
shiny n y y
shinyauthr n y y
shinyjs n y ?
shinyWidgets n y y
showtext n y y
showtextdb n y ?
sodium n y ?
sourcetools n y ?
sp n y ?
stringi n y ?
stringr n y ?
sys n y ?
sysfonts n y ?
terra n y ?
tibble n y ?
tidyr n y y
tidyselect n y ?
timechange n y ?
tinytex n y ?
units n y ?
utf8 n y ?
vctrs n y ?
viridisLite n y ?
whisker n y ?
withr n y ?
wk n y ?
xfun n y ?
xtable n y ?
yaml n y ?
The following package(s) are out of sync [lockfile != library]:
# CRAN -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- KernSmooth [2.23-21 != 2.23-24]
- lattice [0.21-8 != 0.22-6]
- MASS [7.3-60 != 7.3-61]
- Matrix [1.5-4.1 != 1.7-1]
- mgcv [1.8-42 != 1.9-1]
- nlme [3.1-162 != 3.1-166]
The lockfile was generated with R 4.3.2, but you're using R 4.4.2.
See `?renv::status` for advice on resolving these issues.
# Packages -------------------------------------------------------------------
Library Source Lockfile Source Path Dependency
DBI <NA> <NA> 1.2.3 RSPM <NA> <NA>
KernSmooth 2.23-24 CRAN 2.23-21 CRAN [2] <NA>
MASS 7.3-61 CRAN 7.3-60 CRAN [2] <NA>
Matrix 1.7-1 CRAN 1.5-4.1 CRAN [2] <NA>
R6 <NA> <NA> 2.5.1 CRAN <NA> <NA>
RColorBrewer <NA> <NA> 1.1-3 CRAN <NA> <NA>
RPostgres <NA> <NA> 1.4.7 CRAN <NA> direct
Rcpp <NA> <NA> 1.0.11 CRAN <NA> <NA>
askpass <NA> <NA> 1.2.1 RSPM <NA> <NA>
base64enc <NA> <NA> 0.1-3 CRAN <NA> <NA>
bit <NA> <NA> 4.0.5 CRAN <NA> <NA>
bit64 <NA> <NA> 4.0.5 CRAN <NA> <NA>
blob <NA> <NA> 1.2.4 CRAN <NA> <NA>
boot 1.3-31 CRAN <NA> <NA> [2] <NA>
bslib <NA> <NA> 0.5.1 CRAN <NA> <NA>
cachem <NA> <NA> 1.0.8 CRAN <NA> <NA>
cellranger <NA> <NA> 1.1.0 CRAN <NA> <NA>
class 7.3-22 CRAN 7.3-22 CRAN [2] <NA>
classInt <NA> <NA> 0.4-10 CRAN <NA> <NA>
cli <NA> <NA> 3.6.3 RSPM <NA> <NA>
cluster 2.1.6 CRAN <NA> <NA> [2] <NA>
codetools 0.2-20 CRAN <NA> <NA> [2] <NA>
colorspace <NA> <NA> 2.1-0 CRAN <NA> <NA>
commonmark <NA> <NA> 1.9.2 RSPM <NA> <NA>
cpp11 <NA> <NA> 0.5.0 RSPM <NA> <NA>
crayon <NA> <NA> 1.5.3 RSPM <NA> <NA>
crosstalk <NA> <NA> 1.2.0 CRAN <NA> <NA>
curl <NA> <NA> 5.2.3 RSPM <NA> <NA>
data.table <NA> <NA> 1.15.2 CRAN <NA> <NA>
digest <NA> <NA> 0.6.33 CRAN <NA> <NA>
dplyr <NA> <NA> 1.1.4 CRAN <NA> direct
e1071 <NA> <NA> 1.7-14 CRAN <NA> <NA>
ellipsis <NA> <NA> 0.3.2 CRAN <NA> <NA>
evaluate <NA> <NA> 1.0.1 RSPM <NA> <NA>
fansi <NA> <NA> 1.0.4 CRAN <NA> <NA>
farver <NA> <NA> 2.1.2 CRAN <NA> <NA>
fastmap <NA> <NA> 1.1.1 CRAN <NA> <NA>
fontawesome <NA> <NA> 0.5.2 CRAN <NA> <NA>
foreign 0.8-87 CRAN <NA> <NA> [2] <NA>
fs <NA> <NA> 1.6.4 RSPM <NA> <NA>
generics <NA> <NA> 0.1.3 CRAN <NA> <NA>
ggplot2 <NA> <NA> 3.5.0 CRAN <NA> direct
glue <NA> <NA> 1.6.2 CRAN <NA> <NA>
gtable <NA> <NA> 0.3.4 CRAN <NA> <NA>
highr <NA> <NA> 0.11 RSPM <NA> <NA>
hms <NA> <NA> 1.1.3 CRAN <NA> <NA>
htmltools <NA> <NA> 0.5.6 CRAN <NA> <NA>
htmlwidgets <NA> <NA> 1.6.2 CRAN <NA> <NA>
httpuv <NA> <NA> 1.6.15 CRAN <NA> <NA>
httr <NA> <NA> 1.4.7 CRAN <NA> direct
isoband <NA> <NA> 0.2.7 CRAN <NA> <NA>
jquerylib <NA> <NA> 0.1.4 CRAN <NA> <NA>
jsonlite <NA> <NA> 1.8.7 CRAN <NA> direct
knitr <NA> <NA> 1.48 RSPM <NA> <NA>
labeling <NA> <NA> 0.4.3 CRAN <NA> <NA>
later <NA> <NA> 1.3.1 CRAN <NA> <NA>
lattice 0.22-6 CRAN 0.21-8 CRAN [2] <NA>
lazyeval <NA> <NA> 0.2.2 CRAN <NA> <NA>
leaflet <NA> <NA> 2.2.2 CRAN <NA> direct
leaflet.providers <NA> <NA> 2.0.0 CRAN <NA> <NA>
lifecycle <NA> <NA> 1.0.3 CRAN <NA> <NA>
logger <NA> <NA> 0.4.0 CRAN <NA> direct
lubridate <NA> <NA> 1.9.3 CRAN <NA> direct
magrittr <NA> <NA> 2.0.3 CRAN <NA> <NA>
markdown <NA> <NA> 1.13 RSPM <NA> direct
memoise <NA> <NA> 2.0.1 CRAN <NA> <NA>
mgcv 1.9-1 CRAN 1.8-42 CRAN [2] <NA>
mime <NA> <NA> 0.12 CRAN <NA> <NA>
munsell <NA> <NA> 0.5.0 CRAN <NA> <NA>
nlme 3.1-166 CRAN 3.1-162 CRAN [2] <NA>
nnet 7.3-19 CRAN <NA> <NA> [2] <NA>
openssl <NA> <NA> 2.2.2 RSPM <NA> <NA>
pillar <NA> <NA> 1.9.0 CRAN <NA> <NA>
pins <NA> <NA> 1.4.0 RSPM <NA> direct
pkgconfig <NA> <NA> 2.0.3 CRAN <NA> <NA>
plogr <NA> <NA> 0.2.0 CRAN <NA> <NA>
plotly <NA> <NA> 4.10.4 CRAN <NA> direct
png <NA> <NA> 0.1-8 CRAN <NA> <NA>
prettyunits <NA> <NA> 1.2.0 CRAN <NA> <NA>
progress <NA> <NA> 1.2.3 CRAN <NA> <NA>
promises <NA> <NA> 1.2.1 RSPM <NA> <NA>
proxy <NA> <NA> 0.4-27 CRAN <NA> <NA>
purrr <NA> <NA> 1.0.2 CRAN <NA> <NA>
rappdirs <NA> <NA> 0.3.3 CRAN <NA> <NA>
raster <NA> <NA> 3.6-30 CRAN <NA> <NA>
readxl <NA> <NA> 1.4.3 CRAN <NA> direct
rematch <NA> <NA> 2.0.0 CRAN <NA> <NA>
renv 1.0.11 CRAN 1.0.11 RSPM [1] direct
rlang <NA> <NA> 1.1.4 RSPM <NA> <NA>
rmarkdown <NA> <NA> 2.28 RSPM <NA> <NA>
rpart 4.1.23 CRAN <NA> <NA> [2] <NA>
s2 <NA> <NA> 1.1.7 RSPM <NA> <NA>
sass <NA> <NA> 0.4.7 CRAN <NA> <NA>
scales <NA> <NA> 1.3.0 CRAN <NA> direct
sf <NA> <NA> 1.0-18 CRAN <NA> direct
shiny <NA> <NA> RSPM <NA> direct
shinyWidgets <NA> <NA> 0.8.7 CRAN <NA> direct
shinyauthr <NA> <NA> 1.0.0 RSPM <NA> direct
shinyjs <NA> <NA> 2.1.0 RSPM <NA> <NA>
showtext <NA> <NA> 0.9-7 RSPM <NA> direct
showtextdb <NA> <NA> 3.0 RSPM <NA> <NA>
sodium <NA> <NA> 1.3.2 CRAN <NA> <NA>
sourcetools <NA> <NA> 0.1.7-1 CRAN <NA> <NA>
sp <NA> <NA> 2.1-4 CRAN <NA> <NA>
spatial 7.3-17 CRAN <NA> <NA> [2] <NA>
stringi <NA> <NA> 1.8.4 RSPM <NA> <NA>
stringr <NA> <NA> 1.5.1 CRAN <NA> <NA>
survival 3.7-0 CRAN <NA> <NA> [2] <NA>
sys <NA> <NA> 3.4.3 RSPM <NA> <NA>
sysfonts <NA> <NA> 0.8.9 RSPM <NA> <NA>
terra <NA> <NA> 1.7-83 CRAN <NA> <NA>
tibble <NA> <NA> 3.2.1 CRAN <NA> <NA>
tidyr <NA> <NA> 1.3.1 CRAN <NA> direct
tidyselect <NA> <NA> 1.2.1 CRAN <NA> <NA>
timechange <NA> <NA> 0.3.0 CRAN <NA> <NA>
tinytex <NA> <NA> 0.53 RSPM <NA> <NA>
units <NA> <NA> 0.8-5 CRAN <NA> <NA>
utf8 <NA> <NA> 1.2.3 CRAN <NA> <NA>
utils <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> [2] indirect
vctrs <NA> <NA> 0.6.5 CRAN <NA> <NA>
viridisLite <NA> <NA> 0.4.2 CRAN <NA> <NA>
whisker <NA> <NA> 0.4.1 RSPM <NA> <NA>
withr <NA> <NA> 2.5.1 RSPM <NA> <NA>
wk <NA> <NA> 0.9.4 CRAN <NA> <NA>
xfun <NA> <NA> 0.48 RSPM <NA> <NA>
xtable <NA> <NA> 1.8-4 CRAN <NA> <NA>
yaml <NA> <NA> 2.3.10 RSPM <NA> <NA>
[1]: PROJECT_FOLDER/renv/library/windows/R-4.4/x86_64-w64-mingw32
[2]: SYSTEM_FOLDER/AppData/Local/R/cache/R/renv/sandbox/windows/R-4.4/x86_64-w64-mingw32/d974eb96
# ABI ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ABI conflict checks are not available on Windows.
# User Profile ---------------------------------------------------------------
[no user profile detected]
# Settings -------------------------------------------------------------------
List of 13
$ bioconductor.version : NULL
$ external.libraries : chr(0)
$ ignored.packages : chr(0)
$ package.dependency.fields: chr [1:3] "Imports" "Depends" "LinkingTo"
$ ppm.enabled : NULL
$ ppm.ignored.urls : chr(0)
$ r.version : NULL
$ snapshot.type : chr "implicit"
$ use.cache : logi TRUE
$ vcs.ignore.cellar : logi TRUE
$ vcs.ignore.library : logi TRUE
$ vcs.ignore.local : logi TRUE
$ vcs.manage.ignores : logi TRUE
# Options --------------------------------------------------------------------
List of 8
$ defaultPackages : chr [1:6] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" ...
$ download.file.method : chr "libcurl"
$ download.file.extra : NULL
$ install.packages.compile.from.source: chr "interactive"
$ pkgType : chr "both"
$ repos : Named chr "https://packagemanager.posit.co/cran/latest"
..- attr(*, "names")= chr "CRAN"
$ renv.consent : logi TRUE
$ renv.verbose : logi TRUE
# Environment Variables ------------------------------------------------------
# PATH -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Cache ----------------------------------------------------------------------
There are a total of 205 packages installed in the renv cache.
Cache path: "SYSTEM_FOLDER/AppData/Local/R/cache/R/renv/cache/v5/windows/R-4.4/x86_64-w64-mingw32"
They say "Package can be installed in renv project library and be used (e.g. with library() or in the code itself)" - but as I said, I can't use the packages. Sounds like they have a UNIX permissions issue, but we're just on vanilla Windows so I don't think it can be relevant.
I should also underline this is only an issue when the base version of R in use does not match the one used to create the renv.
Any ideas on how to fix, or you think this is a new bug discovery?