Hello Everyone,
I am attempting to create a userBox (package: ShinyDashboardPlus) in a RShiny dashboard using a uiOutput in the UI function. My primary issue is that I could like the userBox to update based on what athlete is selected in a selectInput. As a result, I would also like their picture to update.
Here is a brief sample of my data frame:
PlayerName <- c("Alexander Ovechkin", "Sidney Crosby")
Position <- c("Forward", "Forward")
ImageURL <- c("https://cms.nhl.bamgrid.com/images/headshots/current/168x168/8471214.jpg", "https://cms.nhl.bamgrid.com/images/headshots/current/168x168/8471675.jpg")
DF <- data.frame (PlayerName, Position, ImageURL)
Below is sample of my code:
ui <-navbarPage(title=title,
tabPanel(title = "HOME",icon= icon("Home"),
h4("Filter Data", align = "center"),
box(collapsible = FALSE,
width= 12,
selectInput( "Playernameinput", "Select Player", choices = DF$PlayerName)
h4("Selected Athlete", align = "center"),
Below is the Server:
server <- function(session, input, output) {
output$SelectedAthletePlaceHolder <- renderUI({
req(PlayerPositionFilter <- DF %>%
filter(`PlayerName` %in% input$Playernameinput),
PlayerPosition <- PlayerPositionFilter$Position)
req(PlayerImageFilter <- DF %>%
filter(`Playername` %in% input$Playernameinput),
PlayerImage <- PlayerImageFilter$ImageURL)
userBox(title = userDescription(title=input$Playernameinput,
subtitle = PlayerPosition,
background = "Red",
image= PlayerImage),
width = 12)
This userBox so far works as expected with the Player Name and the Position updating in the title based on the input of the Playernameinput
. However, the Image aspect does not update correctly. I have not noticed an error message, but a small question mark appears rather than the image its self. Note that if I hard code the URL into the image function, this works correctly.
I am sure I am missing a small factor.
Any assistance in this area of general input on my code would be very much appreciated! Thank you for your time and effort.